Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Continuing On

Well, now that the side walls, roof, and front walls are built, time for the backwall. This one is a little bit more of a challenge because there are doors! Not one but 2!

The entire opening is 6ft tall, 6ft wide. That should be wide enough for the quad =)

Sorry for such an odd angle, the trailer is backed right up to the shot, so this was taken from inside.

And with the doors open.

Beefy Hinges. I had to add more wood supports next to the hinges because where the middle bolt goes through, there would only be part of the bolt in the frame which just wouldn't do.
I used carriage bolts for the hinges (had to modify them to fit the bolt) because the hinges are on the outside, as seen above, and now you cant 'unscrew' the hinges from the outside.

Ive also beefed up the frame between the doors just for added beefy-ness and this is where the lock will be going to lock the 'live' or 'swinging' door into the other door (which can be locked in place top and bottom).

And the deadbolt in place.

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